Manna Group
Department of Chemistry
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Group News
January-2025: Congrats Poorvi for publication in Chemical Science on selective methane oxidation.
October-2024: Congrats Rahul for publication in Angewandte Chemie (Hot Paper) on developing the first earth-abundant metal catalyst
for methane C-H borylation.
October-2024: Congrats Manav and Bharti for publication in Nature Communications on Selective Methane Oxidation into
Methanol or Acetic Acid Using O2.
August 2024: Congrats Chandan for successful completion of his PhD.
Chandan will join Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel for postdoc. Best wishes.
June-2024: Congrats Manav and Wahida for publication in ACS Catalysis about direct catalytic conversion of methane to ethanol.
Feb-2024: Congrats Neha for receiving Thesis Distinction in Doctoral Research for the year 2023, IIT Delhi
Dec-2023: Congrats Manav for receiving the best poster award in Annual Convention of Chemists (ACC 2023)
Dec-2023: Congrats Rahul for receiving the best poster award in GITAM Chemistry Research Conference (GCRC 2023)
Nov 2023: Congrats Manav for publication in JACS Au about the shape-selective conversion of plastics to liquid fuels.
August 2023: Congrats Ajay for the position of Assistant Professor at Ramjas College, DU.
March-2023: Congrats Neha and Manav for publication in JACS about direct conversion of methane to acetic acid using O2.
Feb-2023: Congrats Naved for receiving the best poster award in 30th CRSI National Symposium in Chemistry-2023.
December-2022: Congrats Neha, the second PhD student from our group, for successfully defending her thesis.
Neha will join Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion (MPI CEC), Germany for postdoc
under Prof. Walter Leitner (director of MPI CEC). Best wishes….
December-2022: Congrats Rajashree, the first PhD student from our group, for successfully defending her thesis.
Rajashree will join CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research) in Lyon, France for postdoc. Best wishes….
August-2022: Congrats Neha, Manav and Naved for publication in ACS Catalysis about methane oxidation to methanol
April-2022: Congrats Simesh (MSc 2021-2022) for securing GATE AIR 2.
Dec-2021: Congrats Neha for receiving the best poster award in Inorganic Chemistry at CHEMSCI2021: LEADERS IN THE FIELD SYMPOSIUM organized by JNCASR Bangalore in association with the Chemical Science journal.
Oct-2021: Our work on heterogeneous asymmetric catalysis is highlighted by Media
August-2021: Congrats Neha and Naved for publication in ACS Catalysis
March-2021: Congrats Neha for publication in ACS Catalysis
Feb-2021: Congrats Rajashree, Naved and Neha for publication in Angewandte Chemie